Every new city holds wonders to explore. Moving from Delhi to Guwahati required finding them in simpler everyday things. You make new rituals, new routine to reconnect with the place. In small cities (like my home) i had noticed that enjoying that routine only comes with being a part of the city's own routine. One of such weekly rituals that i made for my self was to visit the Beltola Bazaar once every week.

Beltola market is a humble road except for Thursdays and Sundays. On these days, it hosts vegetable venders from the surrounding Baris of guwahati's suburbs. Tribal men and women diplay their weekly produce on both ends of the road. On thursdays you can find any object of your daily perils on the Beltola- Jayanagar road.
For a textile person, it is fascinating to
notice a confluence of drapes, slings and headgears.

The produce itself is an exciting cultural revelation. I saw my first banana flower and bamboo shoot here. Local limbu, pumpkin flowers and chow chow
Humble objects like the 'mona' also became sources of inspiration for their vivid stripe play.
The areca nut that I would later come to know of as a vital traditional plant also makes an appearance. I made sure to get a small trinket everytime I visited the market. The bhat phul from the last visit is blooming outside my window right now.